A series of multivitamins targeted towards kids, men, women, and adults. The series are color coded with a hero color and imagery for easy distinction. Since multivitamins come with many benefits, it was decided to add a series of animals to the labels. For example, for the Multivitamin, the animals were stacked up to symbolize bone strength as it is one of the key benefits.
The animal chosen for Vitamin C was an Ape as they enjoy eating oranges (along with bananas of course). The environment was designed around the Ape to give the lable a friendly vibe.
The chosen animal for Vitamin D3 was a Rhino as they are known to have the strongest bones in the animal kingdom. The use of yellow across the label corresponds well with the color of the sun.

Line of vitamins designed specifically for adults.

Line of vitamins designed specifically for women.